'I write because..."
I like it, it makes me happy. I didn't come here to say much today. Only that I have decided to stop putting too much pressure on myself...

Creating Your Reality: A Rite of Passage.
I write this today, channelling my inner guru. Feeling as though I finally understand how the elements on earth work together and...

The Wrong Decisions
[Written on the 21st of June, 2019] Sometimes I just find myself confused and lost in life. There was a point where, somehow and for some...

My Therapeutic Trip to Abuja.
Hi everyone! I have just uploaded a new Youtube vlog/Honesty Session where I speak about what it felt like to be in a different city in...

Montage: Excel Oliva by Me.
I have discovered how much I enjoy making montages! I created, recorded and edited this video, simply because I was looking for something...

Some Self-Care Sentences
Make your home comfortable enough for you to want to be in it all day. Protect your energy, don't just say it, be practical about it....

Life must be extremely difficult for the people who are unlucky enough to have only good things happen to them. For them, I’m sure the...

Why I Feel Like I Am Losing My Identity... (Audio included)
First of all, I know we are in April but I just want to say Happy New Year to everyone. I want to talk about this issue because I have...

Self-Doubt, Inadequacy, Friendship and Happiness.
Hello everyone! Here is an honesty session where I discuss topics of vulnerability. I hope you enjoy it! Please subscribe to my YouTube...

The Struggle of Being the Perfect One for Your Family
Hi everyone! Happy new year! This is to let you know that I have officially started my Youtube Channel! The first video is up and the...